This is a Spring Boot microservice whose objective is to implement AWS S3 as a data source, in order to perform various techniques related to Business Intelligence.
Requirement | Version | Link |
Java | 17 | Link |
Maven | 3.8.6 | Link |
Docker | 20.10.17 | Link |
Docker Compose | 1.29.2 | Link - Docker Desktop includes Docker Compose along with Docker Engine and Docker CLI which are Compose prerequisites. |
Make (optional) | 4.3 | There is a lot of ways to install Make, according to different OS. Check on Google the specific one for your OS (reason why it's optional) |
The configuration is done through properties files. They are located in the src/main/resources
The application need some properties to access the AWS S3 service. They are required in all environments, either locally, in a docker container or in the CI/CD pipeline.
There is already an
file that containing non-sensitive information :
Property Name | Description |
AWS_REGION | AWS region where the commands will be run |
AWS_BUCKET_NAME | S3 bucket name to use inside the service |
NOTE: The file
containing sensitive information is missing
from the repository. It should be created manually and never be committed to the repository.
Create a new file named
in the src/main/resources
# Bash
echo -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\nAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=" > src/main/resources/
# Powershell
Set-Content -Path src/main/resources/ -Value "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="
Fill in the
file with the following information:
Property Name | Description |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | S3 key id |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | S3 secret name |
Install dependencies:
mvn dependency:resolve
Build the project:
# Skip tests to speed up the build
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Run the project:
mvn spring-boot:run
The base url is http://localhost:8080
All available endpoints (api not included):
Endpoint | Description | Method |
/swagger-ui/ | Swagger UI | GET |
/v3/api-docs | Swagger JSON | GET |
/actuator/health | Health check | GET |
The API documentation is available from swagger http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/
To prevent the router from interpreting a forward slash (/) as a route name, you must encode the URL that contains the forward slash if the filename contains one.
For example /api/objects/dir/filename
becomes /api/objects/dir%2Ffilename
The coverage report is generated in the maven test
phase, so everytime you run test(s), the report will be
generated in the target/site/jacoco
folder and printed in the console.
Run the tests:
mvn clean test
Run a specific test:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestClassName#methodName
Run the tests and check the code coverage:
mvn clean verify
With JaCoCo, the code coverage check is done in the verify
phase. The threshold is set to 100% of instructions in the
class. If the coverage is lower than the threshold, this will fail.
You can also run the project/tests using Docker.
Build the Docker image:
docker compose build development
Run the docker image:
docker compose up development
Run the docker image and build in the same time:
docker compose up development --build
# or
make docker-up
A debug port 5005
is exposed using
the JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol)
protocol in the development
image. You can connect to it using your IDE.
Run the tests:
docker compose up test --build
# or
make docker-up-test
Run a specific test:
docker-compose run --rm test ./mvnw test -Dtest=TestClassName#methodName
See the folder structure documentation.
We welcome contributions to this project! If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, please open an issue on GitHub to let us know.
If you would like to contribute code to the project, please follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Create a new branch for your feature using
git flow feature start <feature-name>
- Write and test your code
- Update the documentation as necessary
- Submit a pull request. Any pull request that does not pass the CI/CD pipeline or without new tests will be rejected.
We will review your pull request and discuss any necessary changes before merging it.
Thank you for considering contributing to this project!
Distribution is permitted under the terms of the MIT License.