
Best practices web application

Primary LanguagePHP


Priki is a project for ES dev technician formation, in the context of the module PRW2.

GitHub tag (latest SemVer)


Tools Version
PHP 8.0.10
Composer 2.1.9
MariaDB 10.5.9-MariaDB
Npm 8.3.0

You can use the MySQL version equivalent instead of MariaDb.


This is a Laravel project, so there is a lot of them from Laravel that you can see in the composer.json file.

Other dependencies that was manually added can be found in files :

  • composer.json for composer.
  • package.json for npm.


  1. git clone https://github.com/yannickcpnv/Priki.git && cd Priki
  2. composer setup
  3. The new .env file is a copy of .env.example. Change it for you needs, specially the variables DB_*.
  4. When you update the file, create the database for the project. The name need to be the same as mentioned in the .env file.
  5. composer m:f-s

This is a Laravel project, so you can still use all php artisan commands.

You will now have all the dependencies installed, the public files compiled and a database with some data.


To run the server locally.

composer serve

To compile files with webpack.

npm run dev
npm run watch


There is no test for the moment.