
Module : MOB1

This project is a simple mobile application to learn how to create a mobile application with React Native and Expo.


git clone
cd RunForCause
npm install


Prepare the project

Copy the file config.example.ts to config.ts and fill in values.

cp config.example.ts config.ts

Additional preparations for using local back-end

If the back-end is not available on the internet, you can use a local back-end.

Get the back-end

This is a simple Laravel api project. So clone and install it.

git clone
cd mockapi
composer install
npm install
Create the database

Create a database

mysql -u root -p

Copy the .env file and change the necessary values. Principally the database name, username and user password.

cp .env.example .env

Run the database migrations

php artisan migrate
Run the back-end

To use the mobile application with your locale server you need to get the IP address of your machine and use it.

# Get the IP address of your machine

# Run the server with the IP address
php artisan serve --host=<IP address>
Get you image name

You also need to have an image for the user. For this step, you first need to create an account to this server at http://<IP address>:8000/register.

From the database directly

After the account created, go to the table users and get the column picture. The value is the name of the image with his extension.

Using http client

Or you can use a http client, login to the server and get the user information that will contain the image name. But for this you need to get first the token at the route /api/rfc/mytoken.

POST /api/rfc/mytoken
Content-Type: application/json

    "username": "<email>",
    "password": "<password>"

And then you can get the image name at the route /api/rfc/me. Don't forget to add the bearer token in the header.

GET /api/rfc/me
Authorization: Bearer <token>

The response :

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "0770785627",
  "picture": "g8.png"
Store an image

Store an image in the server with the picture name at storage/app/public/pics/<picture name>.

Link the storage :

php artisan storage:link

You are now good to use you mobile app with the server. Don't forget to specify your server IP address in the config.ts file.


Start a local dev server for the app :

npm start

Opens your app in Expo Go on a connected Android device :

npm run android

Opens your app in Expo Go in a currently running iOS simulator on your computer :

npm run ios

Opens your app in a web browser :

npm run web

Create native iOS and Android project files :

Learn more:

npm run eject
