
A CodeStats.net client written for NeoVIM in LUA.

Primary LanguageLua


A CodeStats.net client written for NeoVIM in LUA.


This plugin is only available for NeoVIM with LUA support (version 0.5 and above).



-- Initialize with explicit token
use {
    config = function()
            token = "MY-CODESTATS-MACHINE-TOKEN"
    requires = {{'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'}}

-- Initialize via the CODESTATS_API_KEY environment variable
use {
    config = function()
    requires = {{'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'}}


    token = nil, -- When the token is not provided, codestats.nvim will fallback to the CODESTATS_API_KEY environment variable
    endpoint = "https://codestats.net", -- The endpoint which should be used. Mostly you dont want to overwrite it
    interval = 60, -- The interval in seconds between pushes to the CodeStats API


Getting the filetype of the current buffer

:lua print(vim.bo.filetype)

The filetype will then be printed at the bottom left side.

The plugin doesn't detect the correct language

Every known filetype which maps to the correct language are defined in ./lua/codestats-nvim/filetypes.lua in the mapped_filetypes variable.

To get the filetype of the current buffer see Getting the filetype of the current buffer.

Feel free to send a pull request to make your alias available to everyone else!

Beware: I won't merge pull request with wrong mappings. For example vimwiki maps the markdown to vimwiki (which is absolutely wrong)

Otherwise you have the possibility to remap existing languages in Code::Stats itself.

  1. Go to your preferences
  2. Click on Language aliases
  3. Follow the instructions on the page

The plugin sends XP where it shouldn't

All filetypes which should be ignored are defined in ./lua/codestats-nvim/filetypes.lua in the ignored_filetypes variable.

To get the filetype of the current buffer see Getting the filetype of the current buffer.

The plugin doesn't count deletions

Yes this is a serious thing. Currently I didn't found a nice way to detect deletions.

Sadly the autocmds don't offer an event way to detect single deletions.