
Embed any SharePoint page from within your tenant (not just from the associated SharePoint site) as a tab in your Microsoft Teams team or group chat, using Single Sign-On.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SharePoint Page Embed - Microsoft Teams App

Embed any SharePoint page from within your tenant (not just from the associated SharePoint site) as a tab in your Microsoft Teams team or group chat, using Single Sign-On.

More information

Head on over to my blog for an overview of why this app is necessary, and how to use it.

Use as a service

You can use the app as-is, provided as a service by me. I host the generic configuration page on a static website (on Azure Storage).
These are the necessary steps to use it:

  • Download the latest app package from the Releases page
  • Extract the zip file
  • Adjust the manifest.json, change contoso.sharepoint.com to your own tenant name
  • Zip the files again to the app package zip file
  • Use the new app package in Mirosoft Teams

Deploy it yourself

The following steps are only necessary if you'd like to build the app and self-host the configuration page, or if you'd like to self-generate the manifest/app package.

Building the app

The app only contains the configuration page that allows you to enter the relative URL to your SharePoint page. Feel free to use the one I host on a static website (on Azure Storage), it is already preconfigured inside the app manifest.
Only if you'd like to self host the configuration page, you need to build the application:

npm i -g gulp gulp-cli
gulp build

Building the manifest

To create the Microsoft Teams Apps manifest, run the manifest Gulp task. This will generate and validate the package and finally create the package (a zip file) in the package folder. The manifest will be validated against the schema and dynamically populated with values from the .env file. Make sure to update the SPHOSTNAME variable, and the HOSTNAME variable if you are going to self host.

gulp manifest