
Tv Maze website is a simple app that takes data from API and displays films on the user's screen, he can like, comment and reserve for a movie

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Capstone Project

In this project we built a movie api that displays movies to the user

Built With

  • Html
  • Css
  • Js
  • Git & Gitflow
  • webpack
  • TvMaze api

Getting Started

To run the above project you need to meet the following requirements:


  • Have Vscode installed
  • Have Git installed
  • Node installed

Screenshot of our Project



link to our project


To run the above project : Run the following commands on your terminal of choice

git clone : https://github.com/YannickZahinda/Javascript-group-capstone-project.git

cd Javascript-group-capstone-project

 npm install
 npm run start - to spin up local webpack server
 npm run build - to build webpack

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