
Prometheus exporter for IBM MQ

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MQ metrics for Prometheus

CI Go Report Card

Prometheus exporter for IBM MQ.

The container image is available on Red Hat's quay.io container registry. See Container section for more details.


This exporter is for use in a restricted environment where it's no possible to run Programmable command formats (PCFs) and no other services exists such as REST.

To use the exporter only the inquire permission for the given queues are required to execute MQINQ.

More or less only the metrics of current queue depth MQIA_CURRENT_Q_DEPTH and maximum queue size MQIA_MAX_Q_DEPTH are (currently) supported as effect of not using PCFs. To run the exporter you need the IB MQ client library for C. The exporter itself is written in Go and uses IBMs mq-golang library, a Go binding to the C client library.


Metric Type MQINQ attribute selector Description
mq_queue_current_depth gauge MQIA_CURRENT_Q_DEPTH Number of messages on queue
mq_queue_max_depth gauge MQIA_MAX_Q_DEPTH Maximum number of messages allowed on queue
mq_queue_open_input_count gauge MQIA_OPEN_INPUT_COUNT Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for input
mq_queue_open_output_count gauge MQIA_OPEN_OUTPUT_COUNT Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open
mq_queue_request_duration_seconds gauge - Response time of MQINQ in seconds
mq_queue_up gauge - 1 if MQINQ was successful and within timeout, 0 otherwise

Each metric contains the labels channel, connection, (queue) name and queue_manager.

Beside the above metrics, metrics for Go runtime is also provided by Prometheus go client collector.





usage: mq_exporter --config=CONFIG [<flags>]

A Prometheus exporter for MQ metrics.

  -h, --help                Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --config=CONFIG       Path to config yaml file for MQ connections.
      --web.systemd-socket  Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
      --web.listen-address=:9873 ...
                            Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
      --web.config.file=""  [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication.
                            Path under which to expose metrics.
  -v, --version             Show application version.
      --log.level=info      Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
      --log.format=logfmt   Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]

Queue configuration

The queue configuration file is passed by --config and is required. It's a YAML with these attributes:

Attribute Required Description
queueManager name of the queue manager
user username for channel authentication
password password for channel authentication
connName host and port of MQ server
channel channel to connect to queues
sslCipherSpec Cipher Spec which is used for TLS
keyRepository location of key repository
timeout timeout to inquire all queue metrics
queues (string) list of (full) queue names

† if user is provided, then password is required and will be used; if user is absent then authentication will not be used
‡ if sslCipherSpec is provided, then keyRepository is required and will be used; sslCipherSpec is absent TLS will not be used for MQ connection

An example for IBMs provided Container icr.io/ibm-messaging/mq:latest with the default developer config is:

queueManager: QM1
user: admin
password: passw0rd
connName: localhost(1414)

An example with IBM MQ encrypted connection :

queueManager: QM1
user: app
password: passw0rd
connName: localhost(1414)
sslCipherSpec: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
keyRepository: keys/clientkey

Run with:

$ mkdir keys && pushd $_
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.key -x509 -days 365 -out key.crt
$ chmod g+rw key.key # otherwise it can't be read w/ podman
$ # openssl x509 -text -noout -in key.crt
$ runmqakm -keydb -create -db clientkey.kdb -pw [!!pick_a_passw0rd_here!!] -type pkcs12 -stash
$ runmqakm -cert -add -label QM1.cert -db clientkey.kdb -stashed -trust enable -file key.crt
$ popd
$ podman run --rm \
    --env LICENSE=accept \
    --env MQ_APP_PASSWORD=passw0rd \
    --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 \
    --publish 1414:1414 \
    --volume $(pwd)/keys:/etc/mqm/pki/keys/mykey \

TLS and basic authentication

The MQ exporter uses Prometheus exporter-toolkit to support TLS and/or basic authentication. You need to pass a configuration file using the --web.config parameter. The file format is described on web configuration.


To build the project the IBM client library is necessary due to the use of the mq-golang package. For development see IBM MQ Downloads for developers and choose 'Redist (grab & go) MQ Downloads'. For the sake of simplicity assume the library is located at /opt/mqm otherwise you have to update CGO_CFLAGS and CGO_LDFLAGS appropriate. For more details see using the [mq-golang] package.

The project provides a Makefile. To run all tests and build the exporter call:

$ make


The binary of the mq_exporter will not be available since it's build with C GO and depends on the build time versions of underlying libraries beside of IBM MQ itself.


The container image is available on Red Hat's quay.io container registry and does no contain the IBM MQ libraries because of the missing unawareness about the legal guidelines. The containers user is 'nobody' (UID: 65534).

To run the container there are at least two options. Either build your own image like:

FROM quay.io/agebhar1/mq_exporter:<tag>

COPY <mqm> /opt/mqm


Or by mounting the library on start like:

$ podman run --rm -v $(pwd)/mqm:/opt/mqm -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/etc/mq_exporter/config.yml -p 9873:9873 quay.io/agebhar1/mq_exporter:latest

The configuration file is expect to be /etc/mq_exporter/config.yml which can be mounted too.



The repository and all contributions are licensed under APACHE 2.0. Please review our LICENSE file.