Le Croissant (Part of the Boulangerie Bot Family)
Welcome to Le Croissant's Repo, one of the few bots in the RLBot Community, that represente his origin country (Kinda). This bot is part of the bot family : Le Boulangerie, twin of Le Baguette. Le Croissant is HARD-CODED meaning it is not using any algorithm that would provoque emergent behaviours on purpose.
Installation and use
To install and run Le Croissant, you will need :
- RLBot, because it is useless without an environment.
Conciderer checking out the RLBot repository, to fully understand the designing behind this bot.
Ideas and Todo list:
Todo :
- Update to V4
- Implement Strategy
- Debunk AirControls
Ideas :
- tests, as in training, in external env.
- external env.
- meta plays.
- defending plays.
- adaptation with other bots behaviours.
- faking first shot.
- ...
RLBot :
Annexes :
Thoses names used for thoses two bots, Le Baguette and Le Croissant, are used in a non-serious, non-xenophobic intent, but simply as a silly joke. Anyone being offended by the uses of theses words in this, or any context, should relax and by a Chocolatine.