
A Heaps extension library with "advanced" features.

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


An "advanced" Heaps extension library.


Library is in a state of migration due to multiple reasons. Changes are as follows:

  • Structure will change from using same packages as Heaps to following: ch2, ch3 and cherry, for h2d, h3d, and hxd respectively.
  • Migration will be done over time and backward compatibility will be done via typedefs. Readme would be over time as well.
  • Library itself going to be renamed as to produce less confusion, so keep that in mind.


  • I looked at Heaps and found the lack of features and general spartan feature-list rather meh.
  • I'd push some of that to main library, but I doubt they'll be accepted - too advanced.
  • I do not blame or have a grudge against Heaps developers, it's their engine which they develop for their needs that arise internally. And they want it to be as simple and dumb as possible, avoiding anything too advanced. It's their right and their vision. And I do the same anyway.
  • My vision is to have a good and hopefully robust engine that you can use and have many basic features out of the box. This is the purpose of this library.
  • Everyone free to PR features they want, I'm not picky.
  • I also take feature requests, but don't expect me to jump right onto it. ;)
  • Flash is in the past. I do not plan to support flash target. If it works - it's a miracle.
  • Code style is all over the place, I'll fix it eventually.


  • h2d, h3d and hxd packages used in the same way as Heaps do - 2D, 3D and general stuff.
  • cherry.soup package user for internal features, like macro functions and utility classes.
  • cherry.tools designated for using cherry.tools.NTools; that would extend standard functionality of existing Heaps objects.
  • plugins folder is for HIDE plugins (cherry.plugins is for classes that plugins utilize and most likely depend on HIDE).


For a list of additional classes see docs. Listing every single class here is just not feasible at this point.
Below are specific remarks for some of the features or objects that I still have to document properly.

  • ch2.Tilemap - Basic Tilemap renderer. NOT PERFECT. It does not care about render-order and shit. I'll fix and improve it eventually, but not now.
  • h3d.scene.S2DPlane - A 2D plane that renders s2d objects on it. Uses texture rendering. For more primitive approach see h3d.scene.TileSprite.
  • cherry.res.GifImage - Animated gif support with Res. Use toAnimation and toFrames to get animation data. toImage can be used to obtain spritesheet Image.
  • cherry.res.TiledMapFile - when format-tiled library used, replaces hxd.res.TiledMap and provides better support for it.
  • ManifestFileSystem - js-oriented alternative to stupid embedding into .js file. More tricky to operate, and requires preloading. See below.

Type Patching

Temporarily disabled

Library also uses black magic macros to patch some base classes.
Can be disabled by -D heeps_disable_patch_<path>. E.g. -D heaps_disable_patch_h2d_object for h2d.Object patch. Note that some patches may rely on others. Alternatively -D heeps_disable_patch will disable all type patching.

  • h2d.Object - Added originX and originY that control origin offset for transofmrations. transform and absoluteTransform for overriding transform matrix with custom one.
  • h2d.Layers - Added moveChild, addAt and getChildLayerIndex for more control over children positioning.

Tiled support

Library provides rudimentary Tiled map editor integration. It's integration far from complete, and may be improved.
Tiled .tmx maps can be accessed via hxd.Res and parsed with toMap() function. Heeps will try to resolve all dependencies automatically, however it can be done manually afterwards.
Returned object will contain parsed format.tmx.TiledMap and a list of loaded tilesets that can be used to get h2d.Tile instances with ease.

In future ch2.tiled will contain helper classes that would provide ability to visualise Tiled maps. Currently there is only a draft version of layer renderer for Tiled utilizing ch2.SpriteBatchExt. But it is limited to 8 unique textures per layer as well as not supports render-order (uses default right-bottom) and orientation other than orthogonal.

Manifest FS

Since we are sane people and don't want 50+MB js file that contains Base64-encoded game assets, we obviously want to load those files separately. Manifest-FS provides ability to load those files from a manifest file.
This approach requires some prep-work to get it running, but beats embedding everything in JS.
There are 3 general methods to generate manifests declared in cherry.fs.ManifestBuilder:

  • initManifest - your parimary way to initialize MFS that works same way as Res.initLocal / Res.initEmbed with exception of requirement to then load those resources. See sample below. This method hardcodes manifest into source code.
  • generaate - can be used to just process resources (run Converts) and save it as external manifest file. This is more advanced method in case asset composition is expected to change, but it's not worth uploading new game build. Note that in this approach, MFS should be created manually and not with initManifest or create, and you would need to load manifest beforehand in order to pass it to MFS instance. I'm not going to cover it in detail, but here's general flow pseudocode: BinaryLoader.load("manifest.json") -> Res.loader = createMFS(manifestFile) -> loadManifest()
  • create is a light version of initManifest and designated to be used when multiple file systems are involved. This method creates and hardcodes manifest into the code, returning MFS loader instance, which then can be used in multi-FS setup. Main difference with initManifest is that it does not assign MFS as primary Res.loader.

I should note that all docs about resource management make you believe that you have to initialize them in main. THIS. IS. WRONG. Instead, you need to initialize them by overriding hxd.App.loadAssets and call onLoaded after everything's loaded. We're good? Good. There's one downside to this, hovewer. During loadAssets - heaps is not running main loop, hence you can't render anything, and if you want to do preloaders, do it in init()

ManifestBuilder does not create typical Loader instance. Instead, it creates cherry.res.ManifestLoader, which you then should populate with progress handlers and call loadManifestFiles. Here's an example code of how you do this:

override private function init() {
  // For JS you can specify amount of concurrent file loadings, which defaults to 4.
  // Not applicable to HL, because it loads everything in main thread.
  ManifestLoader.concurrentFiles = 8;
  // Low-level approach is to hook loader directly.
  var loader = cherry.fs.ManifestBuilder.initManifest();
  loader.onLoaded = () -> { trace("All loaded!"); startGame(); }
  loader.onFileLoadStarted = (f) -> trace("Started loading file: " + f.path);
  loader.onFileLoaded = (f) -> trace("Finished loading file: " + f.path);
  // This only happens when you use JS target, since sys target is synchronous.
  loader.onFileProgress = (f, loaded, total) -> trace("Loading file progress: " + f.path + ", " + loaded + "/" + total);
  // Higher-level approach with usage of provided MFS preloader
  // ManifestProgress will hook onto method and will render simple progress-bar while it loads resources.
  var loader = cherry.fs.ManifestBuilder.initManifest();
  var preloader = ch2.ui.ManifestProgress(loader, startGame, s2d);

function startGame() {
  // Actual boot, now that all resources are loaded.
  • If you want to visualize loading progress, but don't need anything fancy - using ManifestProgress is better, as it provides primitive progress-bar without any extra mumbo-jumbo and just want your resources loaded while showing player that it actually loads. You can easily create your own progress renderer based off ManifestProgress source code.
  • JS target uses concurrent file loadings to speed up game boot, and defaults it to 4 files at the same time.

Extra flags

  • -D gif_disable_margin - Disables 1px top/bottom margin that avoids pixel bleeding for gif spritesheet generation.