
人话许可证 / Explain licenses in easier ways.

What does the license say?



What does the project do?

许多时候,当我们对一个全新的许可证不熟悉时,我们必须去许可证的颁布网站,或者查阅附带的 License 文档来确认许可证。

然而,对于那些英文不是非常好,或者说对这些许可证一无所知的人来说,这些 License 代表的意思他们可能无法完全知晓。


Most time, when we found there's a new license, we should go to the offical website, or read the license document to check the license.

However, for people not good at English, or never known a license, the license document will let them confused.

This project is made to explain the licenses in a simple and clear way.