
In this project, an attempt to make an early detection and analysis of the Alzheimer's disease using the ADNI data and the MMSE test data. The brain MRI images used are obtained from : http://adni.loni.usc.edu/ MMSE Result and Oasis data (in csv format) have been uploaded. The various analysis being performed are found under individual files as follows: 1.imageSegemntation.py - performs segmentation using thersholding of the Brain MRI. 2.MMSE_Analysis - performs multiple regression using MMScore. 3.AnalysisUsingLongitudinalMRI - Performs analysis and predictions using the oasis data. 4.EdgeDetection - Performs edge detection of the Brain MRI for better analysis. 5.knn - Alzheimer's analysis can be achieved by KNN classifying algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

In this project, an attempt to make an early detection and analysis of the Alzheimer's disease using the ADNI data and the MMSE test data.

The brain MRI images used are obtained from : http://adni.loni.usc.edu/ MMSE Result and Oasis data (in csv format) have been uploaded.

The various analysis being performed are found under individual files as follows: 1.imageSegemntation.py - performs segmentation using thersholding of the Brain MRI. 2.MMSE_Analysis - performs multiple regression using MMScore. 3.AnalysisUsingLongitudinalMRI - Performs analysis and predictions using the oasis data. 4.EdgeDetection - Performs edge detection of the Brain MRI for better analysis. 5.knn - Alzheimer's analysis can be achieved by KNN classifying algorithm