Library of AADL models

Primary LanguageShell

     ___    ___    ____  __    _ __  
    /   |  /   |  / __ \/ /   (_) /_ 
   / /| | / /| | / / / / /   / / __ \
  / ___ |/ ___ |/ /_/ / /___/ / /_/ /
 /_/  |_/_/  |_/_____/_____/_/_.___/ 

AADLib - A library of AADL components

AADLib is a library of reusable AADLv2 components, associated property
sets and validation theorems based on REAL. It has been defined to
work properly with Ocarina, AADL-Inspector and OSATE2.

Here is a quick overview of the distribution

- INSTALL   : build and installation requirements
- NEWS      : release information
- README    : this file
- examples/ : some examples built on the AADLib library of components,
              see examples/README for more details
- src/      : AADLv2 models, property sets and REAL theorems
- support/  : files used for packaging the distribution