Editable is a rich text editor framework that provides stable rich text editing capabilities without relying on the contenteditable attribute.
Playground: https://docs.editablejs.com/playground
# Install
pnpm install
# start up
pnpm dev
- English keyboard input
- combined input method input
- cursor selection rendering
- text input box rendering
- Drag mouse to select selection and cursor
- Switch cursor and selection by keyboard left and right keys
- Switch cursor and selection by keyboard Shift+left and right keys
- Switch cursor and selection by keyboard Shift + Up and Down keys
- Switch cursor and selection by keyboard Ctrl+up and down keys
- Switch cursor and selection by keyboard up and down keys
- Double-click and triple-click to select text after word segmentation
- touch to select selection and cursor
- Full coverage of unit tests
- combined input method input
- paste
- paste as plain text
- copy
- cut
- drag and drop selection text
- drag and drop files
- drag node
- Text
- Html
- Markdown
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- StrikeThrough
- Code
- Sub
- Sup
- Fontsize
- OrderedList
- UnorderedList
- TaskList
- Blockquote
- Indent
- Fontcolor
- BackgroundColor
- Redo
- Undo
- Link
- Image
- Codeblock
- Heading
- Table
- Hr
- Toolbar
- InlineToolbar
- SideToolbar
- History
- Yjs
- Yjs-History
- Yjs-Websocket
- Serializes
- ContextMenu
- Clipboard
- Drag
- Leading
- Align
- Mention