
The source code for our paper "Orchestra: Robust Mesh Networks Through Autonomously Scheduled TSCH" published at ACM SenSys 2015.

#Orchestra: Autonomous TSCH Scheduling

The source code of Orchestra, our autonomous TSCH scheduler published at ACM SenSys'15, is available in this (for sky in Indriya) and this (for jn5168 in the JN-IoT testbed) archive files. The Contiki tree the two above files were built upon is available here.

The latest version of TSCH, 6TiSCH and Orchestra, for jn516x, sky and z1, is available in this external repository: https://github.com/EIT-ICT-RICH/contiki

It is currently being considered for integration in the official Contiki repository, see contiki-os/contiki#1285

Main author and contact: Simon Duquennoy: simonduq (at) sics (dot) se