Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.SessionCannotBeLockedException: The requested session 'session' cannot be accepted. It may be locked by another receiver.
10 messages, 5 mins lock timeout foreach 90s -> all success.
10 messages, 5 mins lock timeout foreach 5s, one 5min 10s -> the one SessionLockLostException
10 messages, 2 mins lock timeout foreach 5s, one 2min 10s -> the one SessionLockLostException & rest messages are SessionLockLostException
10 messages, 2 mins lock timeout foreach 5s, one 2min 10s, re-create session and receive 10 message -> all complete
10 messages, 2 mins lock timeout foreach 5s, one 2min 10s, renewLockSession -> rest message SessionLockLostException