
This tool helps you easily find GFX from unmodded (vanilla) Hearts of Iron 4 1.14.

Primary LanguageHTML

HoI4 GFX Search

This tool helps you easily find GFX from unmodded (vanilla) Hearts of Iron 4 1.14.

All images are © Copyright Paradox Development Studio. Hearts of Iron® is a registered trademark of Paradox Interactive. This tool is not affiliated in any way with Paradox Development Studio or Paradox Interactive.

Made by Yard1

Inspired by https://wyandotte.github.io/hoi4-icon-search/

Search icon from https://feathericons.com/

Uses Skeleton CSS from http://getskeleton.com/ under MIT license & some styles from https://clipboardjs.com/

Thanks to Gaboemi and Zankoas for help updating to HoI4 1.10 and 1.11.

Thanks to JPG for help updating to HoI4 1.12 and 1.13.

Thanks to hildagrim for help updating to HoI4 1.14.