Database Queries


  • Relational Databases
  • Writing Basic SQL Queries
  • Writing Basic Queries using Knex.js


For this lab you will:

  • write SQL statements against a pre-populated database using an online tool. Once you have the correct SQL Statement for each query, write it inside the queries.sql file under the appropriate heading.
  • write API endpoints to manage the accounts resource, including database logic

Write Basic Queries

Visit SQL Try Editor at using the Google Chrome (or Chromium if you use Linux) browser and write SQL queries for the following requirements:

  • find all customers with postal code 1010. Returns 3 records.
  • find the phone number for the supplier with the id 11. Should be (010) 9984510.
  • list first 10 orders placed, sorted descending by the order date. The order with date 1997-02-12 should be at the top.
  • find all customers that live in London, Madrid, or Brazil. Returns 18 records.
  • add a customer record for "The Shire", the contact name is "Bilbo Baggins" the address is "1 Hobbit-Hole" in "Bag End", postal code "111" and the country is "Middle Earth".
  • update Bilbo Baggins record so that the postal code changes to "11122".

Clicking the Restore Database button in the page will repopulate the database with the original data and discard all changes you have made.

Write Accounts API

  • Write CRUD endpoints for the accounts resource. Use the db object imported from data/dbConfig.js for database access via knex.
  • Manually test your endpoints with a REST client like Insomnia or Postman to check they are working as expected.

Accounts Schema

field data type metadata
id unsigned integer primary key, auto-increments, generated by database
name string required, unique
budget numeric required

Stretch Problems

The following exercises require research, the concepts needed to complete them have not been covered in class yet.

  • Run more queries.

    • Find a query to discover how many different cities are stored in the Customers table. Repeats should not be double counted. Should be 69.
    • Find all suppliers who have names longer than 20 characters. Returns 11 records.
    • Add a query string option to the GET /api/accounts endpoint. The query string may contain limit, sortby and sortdir keys. If these keys are provided, use these values to limit and sort the accounts which are selected from the database. Reference the docs for sorting and limiting in
    // sample req.query object
      limit: 5,
      sortby: 'id',
      sortdir: 'desc'
  • run queries using PostgreSQL instead of SQLite.

    • install PostgreSQL.
    • install pgAdmin 4.
    • restore the northwind database using the backup file ./data/northwind.backup. Documentation about Backup/Restore on pgAdmin's site.
    • use pgAdmin's Query Tool to practice running some queries egainst th nortwind database. Note: the names of the tables may be different from the names on web tool used for the MVP queries.
  • use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite to power the API.

    • open ./data/dbConfig.js and change the database constant to be "production".
    • open ./knexfile.js and follow the instructions to configure the production property to use the correct credentials to connect to your postgres server.
    • run the API and test using an HTTP client like Postman.
  • write a React front end and connect it to the API.