Python automation tool for interact with telegram Notpixel bot (WITH GETTING X3 POINTS). Initial code base was forked from other repository https://github.com/vadymfedorets/notpixel.
- 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
#120 opened by AkshiTChauhan-max - 6
Unknown error during Authorization
#115 opened by MojtabaMirbaqeri - 4
#106 opened by raijutmp - 5
- 1
Update the README.md file please
#104 opened by Ashwin3454 - 1
PyQt5-Qt5 and loguru error...
#101 opened by liberte1988 - 1
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'NoneType' Unclosed client session client_session: <aiocfscrape.CloudflareScraper object at 0x000001BA249BD410>
#105 opened by faerhjio0gase - 1
#108 opened by Ashwin3454 - 1
.env long line text
#117 opened by AntiWarforever - 0
#119 opened by THMaST3R - 3
NoneType error
#98 opened by zxNikis - 0
Api change
#116 opened by mMdooD - 0
database is locked
#114 opened by fortifying - 1
- 1
Can u add and auto update to the script?
#103 opened by Ashwin3454 - 2
failed to download image
#107 opened by siestaaaa - 2
- 9
Server Unreachable
#111 opened by rjrakib69 - 9
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
#102 opened by sentient-ai69 - 0
ERROR Server unreachable
#109 opened by liberte1988 - 4
Cant Create venv
#100 opened by sakiresy - 12
The problem when the bot draws
#87 opened by wentyy4 - 4
Not Painting the custom template
#89 opened by asish1346 - 2
#92 opened by protonmeacc - 1
Problem with the server
#93 opened by wentyy4 - 1
Server Unreachable
#94 opened by Niyaz-Mahmud - 2
#97 opened by salehiparviz - 1
Cant install requirements and start bot
#99 opened by Nekspsy - 0
- 6
Server unreachable
#91 opened by lodity - 3
Add tdata support
#74 opened by Dolzhansky - 3
- 2
- 5
Error when program tries to paint pixel
#86 opened by lodity - 0
- 2
Warning during loading template image
#76 opened by Sardor232004 - 4
#78 opened by salehiparviz - 1
Sir, as soon as this error occurs, even though it has full energy, it still doesn't work.
#77 opened by 1573712107 - 3
0 poınts problem
#81 opened by scoterbey - 4
is this normal?
#80 opened by xMacoy01 - 3
Errror: Durring loading template image
#82 opened by binchanhkun99 - 2
ERROR | xxx | 😢 Unknown error: local variable 'error' referenced before assignment
#84 opened by 1573712107 - 1
cannot access local variable 'error' whete it is not associated with a value
#85 opened by yazerakbar - 0
1 validation error for Settings
#83 opened by Ashwin3454 - 0
Not working
#79 opened by Ashwin3454 - 3
- 2
using premade sessions
#72 opened by amirnajm - 3
no drawing
#70 opened by Safin007 - 3
No Drawing
#68 opened by Safin007 - 3
#71 opened by shairkhan2