Microservice demo application for training purposes

  1. msa-api

The api service which:

  • responses to NODE_ENV environment variable with values development or docker or kubernetes which expects redis_url key to be present.
  • Returns the current pinger value when / is called
  • Increments the value of key by 1 every time /ping is called
  • Says "its aaallive!" when /isAlive is called
  • service liveness probe returns 200 OK when /probe/liveness is called
  • service readiness probe returns 200 OK when /probe/readiness is called and redis is actually responding to the service
  1. msa-pinger

A "shell script entry point" service which increments the pinger in the via /ping in the msa-api every 1 sec.

  1. msa-poller

A "shell script entry point" service which polls the pinger in the via / in the msa-api every 1 sec.

Running in K8s

Stay tuned form k8s-101 & k8s 102 workshops

Running the stack in docker or docker swarm ?

  • docker -> docker-compose up -d
  • swarm -> docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml demostack