HW 03

  • Create class Driver.
public class Driver {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String licenseNumber;
  • Create ManufacturerService and its implementation. Annotations @Service and @Inject have already been given to you.

ManufacturerService methods:

- Manufacturer create(Manufacturer manufacturer);
- Manufacturer get(Long id);
- List<Manufacturer> getAll();
- Manufacturer update(Manufacturer manufacturer);
- boolean delete(Long id);
  • Create Dao and Service layers for Driver and their implementations.

DriverService methods:

- Driver create(Driver driver);
- Driver get(Long id);
- List<Driver> getAll();
- Driver update(Driver driver);
- boolean delete(Long id);
  • Do not forget about DB naming rules mentioned in previous homework.
  • Test your code in main.
  • Main should only contain invocation of Service methods, no Dao methods allowed in main.
  • Do not forget about Dependency Injection. Use your annotations.

You can check yourself using this checklist