Command line cheatsheet steps (setup for Node.js project)

Nodejs meme scraper

node index.js 'enter the website url without 'https://'`
  • Create a folder called '"memes'*
  • Access the website (send a request to the website / "fetching") - [1 Search for the 'section' in the string of HTML that comes back (in the "response") from the website
  • Search for the first 10 image sources in the 'section'
  • Two options
  • One option: jog' - this is in the HTML code of the website
  • Another option: '<img'
  • Get the 'src' URL strings from the "ima
  • Add the first 10 image URL strings to an array
  • Loop over the first 10 image URLs and:
  • Create a file (named correctly) in the 'memes" folder (eg. '01.jpg', '02.jpg', etc)
  • Access the image URL
  • In this file, store the image data that comes back (in the "response") from the website