One another Live2d viewer, base on Pixi.js 4, for Magireco
To access game files, you can use a proxy or download them on your server. A proxy can't work well by default.
/magica/resource/image_native/live2d/ -> $(proxy)/magica/resource/download/asset/master/resource/image_native/live2d/
/magica/resource/sound_native/voice/ -> $(proxy)/magica/resource/download/asset/master/resource/sound_native/voice/
/magica/resource/image_web/ -> $(proxy)/magica/resource/image_web/
Because the download-resources that larger than 1MB are split in to 1MB piece, you'd better download the resources and joint them. See magireco-data-downloader/multithread
After you joint resources, you just got .hca encripted sounds. Decrypt them and encode them into .mp3 or other format yourself. Remember change ext in js/page.js.
For hca decrypt, see HCADecoder | FastHCADecoder | Ishotihadus/hca | etc.
Create the list.json on live2d/
and voice/
yourself, or run
Expression, Motion, Voice; Mouse/touch follow; Click/touch motion; Replay/pause voice; Resize; Zoom; Capture
- Model position controlor
- Voice with motion / Motion with voice
- Record video/gif
- Backgroud (static) switch, capture include background option
- Multi model display/control
- Talkbox text
- Story script re-play (?)