
Feature selection approaches and their implementation in Python. In feature seleciton we try to find the most consistent, non-redundant, and relevant features to use in a Machine Learning model.

There are different method for Feature selection. They are mentioned here, with an example:

Purpose of Feature selection:

  • Reducing computentional costs
  • Imporve the performance of model

Gained benefits from feature selection before applying ML model:

  • simpler model, then easier to explain it.
  • Avoid the curse of high dimensionality.
  • Shorter training time, as we have lower feature dimension and also more precise subset of features.
  • Variance reduction

Feature selection methods:

Feature selection mostly has been done using following methods:

  • Filter methods: Selecting features based on statistics. They can be:

    • Univariate: each feature's affect on output studies individually.
    • Multivariate: evaluates the relevance of the features as a whole.
  • Wrapper methods: They are not about selecting a feature or evaluating their affect on result, in wrapper methods the purpose is to select a set of features. Then the interactions between features would be detected too. (Boruta feature selection and Forward feature selection)

  • Embeded methods: Feature selection is a part of learning procedure, so classification and feature selection are performed simultaneously. (Random forest feature selection, decision tree feature selection, LASOO feature selection)

How to choose feature selection method:

  • Numerical input, Numerical Output: (Regression) Using a correlation coefficient such as Pearson's (linear) or Spearmanc's (non-linear)
  • Numerical input, Categorical output: (Classification) ANOVA (linear) or Kendall's (non-linear)
  • Categorical input, Numerical output: (regression predictive modeling) ANOVA (linear) or Kendall's (non-linear) but in reverse.
  • Categorical input, Categorical output: (classification predictive modeling) Chi-Squared test

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques:

  • Percent missing values
  • Amount of variation
  • Pairwise correlation
  • Multicolinearity
  • Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Correlation (with target)
  • Forwards selection
  • Backward elimination (RFE)
  • Stepwise selection
  • Tree-based selection