
The course project for CS204 i.e Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


The course project for CS204 i.e Design and Analysis of Algorithms


To understand, implement and analyze the algorithms used to effectively solve Hidden Markov Models. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (i.e. hidden) states.

Hidden Markov Models

Hidden Markov models are especially known for their application in reinforcement learning and temporal pattern recognition such as speech, handwriting, gesture recognition, part-of-speech tagging, musical score following, partial discharges and bioinformatics.

Algorithm Analysis

Viterbi Algorithm

The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states, called the Viterbi path that results in a sequence of observed events.
Complexity Analysis :
The Time complexity of this algorithm is O(NT2) And the space complexity is O(T2 + kT + NT)
K is the total number of unique observable states.
T is the total number of unique hidden states.
N is the length of the observed sequence.

Forward-Backward Algorithm

The forward–backward algorithm is an algorithm for hidden Markov models which computes the posterior marginal probabilities of all hidden state variables for a set of observed sequence of events.
Complexity Analysis :
The Total Time Complexity such that each z is considered is O(nm2)
z ∈Hidden States in a layer
m is the set of Hidden States
n is the length of observed sequence

CarpeDiem Algorithm

In order to determine the end point of the best path to a given layer, one can avoid inspecting all vertices in that layer. In particular, after sorting the vertices in a layer according to their vertical weight, the search can be stopped when the difference in vertical weight of the best node so far and the next vertex in the ordering is big enough to counterbalance any advantage that can be possibly derived from exploiting a better transition from a better ancestor.
Complexity Analysis :
The best case happens when horizontal rewards, being equal for each transition, do not provide any discriminative power. In such a case the right hand side of the inequality is zero and the inequality is guaranteed to be satisfied immediately. Moreover, being the backward strategy based on a bound similar to the one that leads to Formula mentioned in the Report, it will never open any other vertex. Then, a single vertex per layer is opened and CarpeDiem has order of O(T + TKlog(K)) = O(TKlog(K)) time complexity. A more formal argument about CarpeDiem complexity is stated by CarpeDiem has O(TK2 ) worst case time complexity and O(TKlog(K)) best case time complexity.


This project has been instrumental in understanding Hidden Markov Models and their immense contributions towards the advancements in technologies like Speech Synthesis, Speech tagging, Bioinformatics and Cryptanalysis to name a few. We have also analysed different approaches to solve these class of Hidden Markov Model problems via various algorithms and finally a slightly optimised algorithm.
The Viterbi algorithm uses a dynamic programming approach to determine the hidden state sequence from a given set of observed sequence.
The Forward-Backward Algorithm also uses a dynamic approach, but to calculate the state probabilities, for further operations.
The CarpeDiem algorithm is an optimization on the Viterbi algorithm which works on a dynamic approach, but eliminating a few corner case calculation making it significantly more efficient than the pre-existing Viterbi algorithm. Hence, we have analysed these three algorithms as the most prominent way to solve Hidden Markov Models.