
The collection of various programming cheat sheets. Open source


Available Cheat Sheets

  1. Python Source: websitesetup.org

  2. Java Source: hackr.io

  3. C Programming Source: ualberta.ca

  4. Lua Programming Source: templateroller.com

  5. Julia Programming Source: juliadocs.github.io

  6. R Programming Source: hb.ucsc.edu

  7. GoLang Programming Source: simplescheatsheet.com

  8. C# Programming Source: hackr.io

  9. Javascript Source: websitesetup.org

  10. jQuery Source: websitesetup.org

  11. php Source: websitesetup.org

  12. MySQL Source: websitesetup.org

  13. Bootstrap Source: websitesetup.org

  14. SQL Source: websitesetup.org

  15. CSS3 Source: websitesetup.org

== 16. Git Sheat

== 17. Linux Cheat Sheat