Unlocking Fantasy Football Success: A Data-Driven Journey Through FPL, Transfermarkt, and Understat
This project aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Fantasy Football squads by integrating data from various sources, including FPL, Transfermarkt, and Understat. Users can leverage this analysis to make informed decisions about player selection, transfers, and overall squad management.
Our approach combines data from FPL, Transfermarkt, and Understat, offering a comprehensive view of player performance, market values, and in-game statistics. Utilizing Transfermarkt insights for budget allocation and Understat metrics for player performance, our strategy ensures a nuanced squad selection. Strategic acquisitions, guided by Transfermarkt data, adhere to budget constraints, ensuring both financial stability and on-field competitiveness.
To install the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone [https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo](https://github.com/Yash22222/DATATHON-FOOTBALL-DATA-DILEMMA)https://github.com/Yash22222/DATATHON-FOOTBALL-DATA-DILEMMA.git cd your-repo
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Move on to the "Usage" section and describe how users can utilize your project:
To use this project, follow these steps:
1. Run the application:
npm start