NLP based Hiring System


Candidates can create their profile and apply for various Job Positions. Recruiter will get a list of applicants ranked by similarity (cosine similarity) between the applicant's resume and job description. This will help the recruiter to quickly shortlist the most suitable candidates from a large pool of candidates for further process which is rather time consuming in traditional approach of going through each and every resume. TF-IDF vectorizer is used for converting the resume and job description text into vector representation. Pre-processing steps involves text cleaning, stop-word removal and lemmatization.

Tech Stack

NLP and ML Libraries

  1. NLTK
  2. Sklearn

Web Framework



  1. Form for floating a new Job

  1. List of opportunities under the Explore tab

  1. Profile section

  1. Applying for a position

  1. My applications section

  1. Change Password section

  1. List of applicants ordered by similarity (recruiter side)

  1. Shortlist functionality

  1. Users can view their application status

  1. Search Feature