Apptitude !

Video Demonstration

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Video Demonstration


  • The application is divided into three screens. Home, LocateMe, and Explore.

Home Screen

  • Gets user location by asking permissions
  • Show current location coordinates
  • Show current Location city, country and local area name on screen.
  • Attractive background animation.
  • Live location synced with Firebase LiveDatabase Service

Where Am I

  • Where Am I page shows the current user location
  • Full page view, covers the status bar also to give a rich feel browsing the map
  • Map styled in a custom light theme to match UI
  • All gestures working.
  • Can see your current location, as well as YashKumarVerma's Location :)


  • Shows live locations of all users
  • Pointers of live users updated in real time as their location are updated
  • Users that are offline are shown by their last seen location
  • As new users open application, new pointers are added.
  • Everything made realtime using Firebase

Local Development

  • Clone the repository
  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn start

Completion Status

All the requirements asked in the problem statement are met.


  • Never Used Firebase, Used successfully.
  • Never used Maps. Used successfully.
  • Never used Location, Used successfully.


All the screenshots are in the screenshots folder.

Technologies Used


  • MIT
  • All illustrations are original and created using Canva under Github Students Pack
