Welcome to my learning repository for the "Modern Graphics Using OpenGL and C++" course! Here, I'll be sharing the knowledge and code snippets I've acquired while mastering modern graphics programming techniques using OpenGL and C++.
This Repo will cover comprehensive understanding of modern graphics techniques, covering topics such as:
- Creation of 3D graphical applications using C++ and OpenGL
- Utilization and comprehension of GLEW and GLFW libraries
- Rendering 3D objects within a window
- Implementation of OpenGL shaders (vertex, fragment, and geometry shaders)
- Application of textures to 3D models
- Integration of lighting models (e.g., Phong Lighting)
- Incorporation of various types of lights (e.g., Directional, Point, and Spot Lights)
- Utilization of shadow techniques such as Shadow Mapping
- Importing 3D models from external applications using the Assimp library
- Implementation of a user-controlled camera for navigation
Feel free to explore the code, projects, and resources provided in this repository to gain insights into my learning process. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out
I'm eager to connect with fellow learners, developers, and enthusiasts in the graphics programming community. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, let's collaborate and advance together.