Using traditional image processing techniques to construct 3D point cloud of objects. Incremental Structure from Motion (SfM) is used, a popular SfM algorithm for 3D reconstruction for reconstruction. The method is then evaluated using certain 3D reconstruction datasets.
- adamgarai98University College London
- Balakrishnan2005
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- Catharsis666
- cha-suyeonVILAB
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- dknietoh
- DonJon86
- elhananbyMax Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar
- HaengInThereYonsei University
- halimakt
- itdreaman
- iVishalrAkamai Technologies, India
- ja99Ulm Germany
- JAaron9311
- James4Ever0
- jangsooparkIPSL, Kwangwoon University
- kk-letsgo
- KonigYang
- Krasner
- leoriczhang
- lishuai-97Beijing
- liuqingfeng12
- Ryo4499
- SammithSBBengaluru, India
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- uco-physics
- Unbiniliumworld.execute(me);
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- XYZ-qiyhHUST
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- zcc861007