
One click Mini-Games for Open Food Facts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hunger Games: One-click categorizer for Open Food Facts

Hunger Games is a series of mini-apps that let users contribute data to Open Food Facts, in a rather fun way using React. You are very welcome to write the game you want.

Try it

The production website is available at https://hunger.openfoodfacts.org

Why Hunger Games?

  • Because we are sympathetic to Katniss' fight against Panem.
  • Open Food Facts generates a lot of photos, and we need to turn them into reliable data about food and cosmetics, at very large scale.
  • We process all pictures using top OCR techniques and get a lot of raw text and entities (logos) about the products.
  • We then need to let users leverage this data to easily complete products, in a fun way, on their mobiles.

The main goal is: Every OpenFoodFact user can annotate products in a few minutes.

Who do I talk to?




  • React
  • MUI (UI library based on material design)
  • Axios (HTTP calls)


OFF APIs and Robotoff


  • yarn build

Use a simple webpack config to bundle in a single file (build/bundle.min.js) and facilitate integration in OFF main site

Countries list

  • yarn countries

Generate the JSON file src/assets/countries.json which contains all the countries available on OFF taxonomy. Data are obtained from static.openfoodfacts.org