
Chrome extension

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A chrome extension that keeps track of how productive a user has been on internet by analysing the contents being consumed by the user.

In this age of Internet most of the studies and productive work are done on the Internet, many times we get distracted from our original work and waste our time on Entertainment. We think that we have invested so much time working hard but in reality most of our time may be wasted on unproductive contents.
This extension serves as a great tool for the students and professionals for managing and controlling their internet browsing habits.

Key Feature

• Classifies the contents user is currently viewing into various categories and then subsequently classifies it as productive or non-productive.
Classification is based on the actual content being viewed and not on the basis of what the website usually serves.
for example the same website like Youtube may be used for productive as well as unproductive contents , This extension is capable of differentiating between the productive and unproductive time solely based on the content while being on the same site.


• Daily, monthly and weekly analysis for better understanding of the time spent on internet. Along with the time of day the user is most productive.
• Pictorial representation of the data through charts to make the extension user-friendly.
Focus Mode: Notify user when the user gets distracted to unproductive content.
• Allows the user to configure what is productive for them by asking their profession.
• Notify user when the productivity gets too low.