Hill Climbing Racing Game 🎮


Welcome to an innovative Python-based gaming project that leverages computer vision and gesture recognition to create a unique and immersive gaming experience. This game allows players to interact solely through hand gestures, eliminating the need for a traditional mouse and keyboard. 🐍👀


  • Gesture-Based Controls: Use hand movements to control characters, navigate through the game world, and perform various actions.
  • Intuitive Interaction: Enjoy a seamless and responsive gaming experience with intuitive hand gestures.
  • Innovative UI: Explore new possibilities in user interface design and enhance user engagement through gesture-based interactions.

Modules Used

  • cvzone: Simplifies the process of working with OpenCV and provides easy-to-use functions for computer vision tasks.
  • mediapipe: A powerful library developed by Google for real-time face detection, pose estimation, and hand tracking.
  • pynput: Allows control and monitoring of input devices, enabling the translation of gestures into keyboard actions.

Gameplay Instructions

  1. Starting the Game: Run the game script to start the game.
  2. Hand Gestures:
    • Fist: Move left.
    • Open Hand: Move right.
  3. Exiting the Game: Press q to quit the game.

Enjoy the game and experience a new way to play! 🎉