
This device, build for a range of diverse users from women to children helps to raise an alarm, gather help and constantly monitor user health. Additionally, the data generated by the device is sent over the network back to the central application where the data is stored and analyzed to understand possible patterns.

The initial phase included understanding the market by extensive research, analyzing the shortcomings of currently available products and conducting user survey. The next step involved gathering required components and complete system architecture to minimize the space requirement as much as possible followed by configuring and combining different sensors, actuators and displays like Fingerprint Sensor, Buzzer, Heart Rate Pulse sensor etc. Lastly, adding visualizations and analytics to user dashboard based on the data collected by the sensors. Here, with this project we aimed to provide users a better control of their lives by attempting to solve relevant security and health issue. At the end, we understood the untapped potential of Iot devices and its immense contribution to Big Data Systems to help people make better decisions.

Required Components

  • Arduino
  • Fingerprint Scanner
  • Heart Rate Pulse Sensor
  • Buzzer
  • LCD Display 16X2
  • Bluetooth Module
  • Wifi Module