
Develop a Mobile with Java 8 Features

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cool Java-8 Features

Java 8 introduced a series of ground-breaking features for the language, that proved to be more than useful for the everyday life of Java developers.It improves application performance without any specific work or tuning.


  • Lambda Expressions 😱
    • Iterable For Each with Lambda Expression
    • Passing multiple Statement Using Lambda Expression
    • Comparator Using Lambda Expression
    • Filtering Of Collection Data Using Lambda Expression
  • Method References πŸ˜€
    • Reference to a static method
    • Reference to instance method
    • Reference to constructor
  • Functional Interfaces 😯
  • Stream API's and Filter πŸ˜€

Lambda Expression: 😱

Now lets us see about Lambda Expression usage with below examples Lets develop a Mobile from scratch based on Mobile Manufacturer & Designer & Tester needs.

When to use Lambda Expression πŸ‘€

Iterable For each with Lambda Expression

As shown in the above image we have Mobile Manufacturer, Mobile Designer and Mobile Developer !

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list out all the mobiles created already.

     * Get All Mobiles
     * Iterable For Each with Lambda Expression
     * @param developer 
     * @return 
    public void getAllMobileName(MobileDeveloper developer) {
      System.out.println("Iterable For Each Using Lambda Expression");

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Passing multiple Statement Using Lambda Expression

Now assume like Mobile Designer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to append Mobile Name and Color for a single mobile.

     * @author Yashwanth
    public interface MobileDesigner {

    public String appendMobileNameAndColor(String color);


     * Appending of Mobile Name And Color
     * Passing multiple Statement Using Lambda Expression
    private static void appendingOfMobileNameAndColor(MobileDeveloper developer) {
    System.out.println("Passing multiple Statement Using Lambda Expression");
    String mobileName=developer.getAllMobile().get(0).getMobileName();
    MobileDesigner designer = (color)->
    return mobileName+" "+color;

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Comparator Using Lambda Expression

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list all mobiles names in ascending order.

     * Sorting Based on Mobile Name
     * Comparator Using Lambda Expression
     * @param developer
    private static void sortingOfMobileNames(MobileDeveloper developer) {
    System.out.println("Comparator Using Lambda Expression");
    List allMobile = developer.getAllMobile();
    Collections.sort(allMobile, (firstMobile,secondMobile)->
    return firstMobile.getMobileName().compareTo(secondMobile.getMobileName());

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Filtering Of Collection Data Using Lambda Expression

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list all mobiles names and prices based on their price greater than 600EU.

     * Filtering of Mobile Names Based on Price
     * Filtering Of Collection Data Using Lambda Expression
     * @param developer
    private void filterMobileNamesBasedOnPrice(MobileDeveloper developer) {
    System.out.println("Filtering Using Lambda Expression");
    Stream filterMobiles = developer.getAllMobile().stream().filter(mobile->mobile.getMobilePriceInEUR()>600);
    filterMobiles.forEach(mobile->System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mobile.getMobileName() +" " +"Mobile Price:"+mobile.getMobilePriceInEUR()));

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Method References: πŸ˜€

Now lets us see about Method References usage with below examples

When to use Method References πŸ‘€

Reference to Static Method

As shown in the above image we have Mobile Manufacturer, Mobile Designer, Mobile Tester and Mobile Developer !

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list out all the mobiles based on status created already.



Here is my code :

     * Filtering of Mobile Names Based on Status
     * Static Method Referencing
     * @param developer
     public static void getAllMobileBasedOnStatus(Mobile mobile) {
      System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mobile.getMobileName()+" "+"Status:"+mobile.getMobileStatus());

Invoking of Static Method Reference


Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Reference to Instance Method

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list out all the mobiles based on battery capacity.



Here is my code :

    * Filtering of Mobile Names Based on Battery Capacity
    * Static Method Referencing
    * @param developer
    public void getAllMobileBasedOnBatteryCapacity(Mobile mobile) {
    System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mobile.getMobileName()+"|"+"Mobile Battery Capacity:"+mobile.getMobileBatteryCapacity());

Invoking of Instance Method Reference


Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Reference to Constructor

Now assume like Mobile Tester comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list out all the mobiles to test based on their status (Availability in Market).



Here is my code :

      * @author Yashwanth
      public interface MobileTester {
      public MobileTesters getCountOfTestedMobiles(MobileDeveloper developer);

      * @author Yashwanth
      public class MobileTesters {

      * Providing the count of tested mobiles
      public MobileTesters(MobileDeveloper developer) {
      Stream filterMobiles = developer.getAllMobile().stream().filter(mobile->mobile.getMobileStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Available"));
      System.out.println("Tested Mobile Count:"+filterMobiles.count());

Invoking of Constructor

    MobileTester tester=MobileTesters::new;

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Functional Interfaces: 😯

When to use Functional Interfaces πŸ‘€


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to check for Huawei Enjoy 20 5G Mobile to increase the cost of the mobile.

       * Check For Huawai Enjoy Mobile
      public void checkForHuaweiEnjoyMobile(Predicate< Mobile > mobileCondition) {
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - Predicate");
        for(Mobile mob:getAllMobile())
            System.out.println("Predict returns "+mobileCondition.test(mob));
            //If Mobile Doesn't Exist - Return False
            System.out.println("Predict returns "+mobileCondition.test(mob));

Invoking of Predicate

      //Predicate - Provides True or False based on the Argument[Takes A Input] -> return (boolean) 
      Predicate< Mobile > mobileConditionPredOne = mobile->mobile.getMobileName().equals("Huawei Enjoy 20 5G");

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to check for Huawei Enjoy 20 5G Mobile and Price equals 6000.

       * Check For Huawai Enjoy Mobile Name and Price Matching or Not
       * @param mobileConditionPredTwo
      public void checkForHuaweiEnjoyMobileAndPrice(BiPredicate< Mobile, Mobile > mobileCondition) {
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - BiPredicate");
        for(Mobile mob:getAllMobile())
          if(mobileCondition.test(mob, mob))
            System.out.println("BiPredicate returns "+mobileCondition.test(mob, mob));
            //If Mobile Doesn't Exist - Return False
            System.out.println("BiPredicate returns "+mobileCondition.test(mob, mob));

Invoking of BiPredicate

     //BiPredicate - Provides True or False based on the Argument[Takes Two Input] -> return (boolean)
     BiPredicate< Mobile, Mobile > mobileConditionPredTwo=(mobileName,mobilePrice)->mobileName.getMobileName().equals("Huawei Enjoy 20 5G") && mobilePrice.getMobilePriceInEUR()==6000;

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list all mobile names with battery capacity.

      public void getAllMobileNameWithBatteryCapacity(Consumer< Mobile > mobilesConsumer,List mobileList)
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - Consumer");

Invoking of Consumer

       //Consumer - Performs an Operations by taking single input - Doesn't return anything (void)
        Consumer< Mobile > mobileConsumer=(mob)->System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mob.getMobileName(
            )+"|"+"Mobile Battery Capacity:"+mob.getMobileBatteryCapacity()); 
        developer.getAllMobileNameWithBatteryCapacity(mobileConsumer, developer.getAllMobile());

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to list all mobile names with increased battery capacity.

       * Get All Mobile Names With Increased Battery Capacity with 10
       * @param mobileBiConsumer
       * @param allMobile
      public void getAllMobileNameWithIncreasedBatteryCapacity(BiConsumer< Mobile, Long > mobileBiConsumer,
          List allMobile) {
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - BiConsumer");
        Long increasedBat=Long.parseLong("10");

Invoking of BiConsumer

     //BiConsumer - Performs an Operations by taking two input - Doesn't return anything (void)
      BiConsumer< Mobile, Long > mobileBiConsumer=(mob,mobBattery)->System.out.println(mob.getMobileName()+"|"+mob.getMobileBatteryCapacity());
      developer.getAllMobileNameWithIncreasedBatteryCapacity(mobileBiConsumer, developer.getAllMobile());   

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to check of mobiles for their price greater than 1K.

         * Check For Mobile Price Greater Than 1000K
         * @param mobileFunction
         * @param mobilePriceCheck
        public void checkMobilePriceGreaterThan1K(List allMobile,
            Function< Mobile, Boolean > mobilePriceCheck) {
          System.out.println("Functional Interface - Function");
          allMobile.stream().forEach(mob->System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mob.getMobileName()+"---->"+
              "Mobile Price:"+mob.getMobilePriceInEUR()+"---->"+mobilePriceCheck.apply(mob)));

Invoking of Function

      //Function - Performs an Operation with single input and provides expected result Function T-Input & R-Result
      Function< Mobile,Boolean > mobilePriceCheck=(mob)->mob.getMobilePriceInEUR()>1000;

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to check of mobiles for their price less than 5K and Status(Availability).

       * Check For Mobile Price Greater Than 5000K & Status - Availability
       * @param allMobile
       * @param mobilePriceAndStatusCheck
      public void checkMobilePriceLessThan5kAndStatus(List allMobile,
          BiFunction< Mobile, Mobile, Boolean > mobilePriceAndStatusCheck) {
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - BiFunction");
        allMobile.stream().forEach(mob->System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+mob.getMobileName()+"---->"+
            "Mobile Price:"+mob.getMobilePriceInEUR()+"---->"+"Mobile Status:"+mob.getMobileStatus()+"---->"+mobilePriceAndStatusCheck.apply(mob,mob)));

Invoking of BiFunction

        //BiFunction - Performs an Operation with multiple input and provides expected result Function T-Input & R-Result
        BiFunction< Mobile, Mobile, Boolean > mobilePriceAndStatusCheck=(mobPrice,mobStatus)->mobPrice.getMobilePriceInEUR()<5000 && mobStatus.getMobileStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Available");

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ


Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to get Developer Name.

       * Returns Developer Name
       * @return
      public static String getDeveloperName()
        System.out.println("Functional Interface - Supplier");
        return "Developer::>Yashwanth";

Invoking of Supplier

      //Suppiler - Returns a value without any input
      Supplier< String > mobiles=()->MobileDeveloper.getDeveloperName();

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

Stream API's and Filter: 😱

When to use Stream API and Filter πŸ‘€

Now assume like Mobile Manufacturer comes to Mobile Developer and asks the Developer to get top 1 maximum and minimum priced mobile name and price alone.

     * Get Max and Min Price Mobile Details
     * @param allMobile
    private void getMaxAndMinPriceMobileDetail(List allMobile) {
      Mobile maxPricedMobile = allMobile.stream().max((firstMob,secondMob)->firstMob.getMobilePriceInEUR() > secondMob.getMobilePriceInEUR() ?1:-1 ).get();
      System.out.println("Highest Priced Mobile:");
      System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+maxPricedMobile.getMobileName()+"|"+"Mobile Price:"+maxPricedMobile.getMobilePriceInEUR());
      Mobile minPricedMobile = allMobile.stream().max((firstMobile,secondMobile)->firstMobile.getMobilePriceInEUR() < secondMobile.getMobilePriceInEUR() ?1:-1 ).get();
      System.out.println("Lowest Priced Mobile:");
      System.out.println("Mobile Name:"+minPricedMobile.getMobileName()+"|"+"Mobile Price:"+minPricedMobile.getMobilePriceInEUR());

Invoking of Stream API method

       * Get Max and Min Price Mobile
      public void getMaxPriceAndMinPriceMobile(MobileDeveloper developer) {

In the other hand, if you wanna filter see the mobile prices greater than 5000EU in map means

         * Get Mobile Price & Name in Map
         * @param developer
         public void getMaxMobliePriceAndNameInMap(MobileDeveloper developer) {
         Map productPriceMap =developer.getAllMobile().stream().filter(mob->mob.getMobilePriceInEUR()>5000).collect(Collectors.toMap(mob->mob.mobilePriceInEUR, mob->mob.mobileName));

Outcome : πŸ˜ƒ

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First, solve the problem. Then, write the code. 
