This is the backend project for the fullstack test @ DSpot

Getting Started

In order to run the development server for first time you must:

  • Create a virtual environment (it is optional but highly recommended for python apps). You can follow my tutorial

  • Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create the database (A Sqlite DB for simplicity)
python migrate
  • Fill the DB with fake data randomly generated (optional)
# Note that <count> is the number of how many profiles do you want to create
python fill_db <count>
  • Run the project
python runserver

Open http://localhost:8000/api/v1/swagger with your browser to see the result.

Django Admin

The Django admin module was enabled to allow an easy way to mutate the data.

Create an user to sign in:

python createsuperuser

Thanks for the opportunity 😊