
  1. initialize the project
go mod init _name_of_project_


  • if you plan to work locally, then you can choose an name
  • if online, then you need to chooser a corresponding path to where the module will be hosted, such `github.com//name_of_project_on_your_github

This command will create go.mod where we can manage dependencies. You can think of it like package.json in NodeJs or Nuget in Asp.net.

  • create a folder called cmd stand for command, it is a common convention.
  • create a file called inside the cmd called main.go
  1. Configuration First of all, configuration is a nightmare if not set up correctly, it is a blocker. So, we need to get it out of the way at the beginning. And since this project is for learning purposes, so we don't have a lot to worry about. The gaol of this step is to menage the configuration settings like the db configuration in centralized and secure manner.
  • create a config folder create a file inside the config folder config/config.go

  • Install a library called viper run in the terminal

go get github.com/spf13/viper


Now, after searching the viper, I found it's an overkill for a small project

  • create a file named env in the root directory of the project as the same level of go.mod. Copy and paste the following into the .env

see config

you need to figure out what the values in the environment variables are and then use to connect to the database/server

  1. Connect to the database Im gonna use PostgreSQL, for nothing but I like pain
  • install postgresql driver
go get github.com/lib/pq
  • create a folder called internal in the root directory of the project
  • inside internal, create another folder called db and inside the folder create file named db.go
  • setup the database connection. see connection