- Contact info in the slides. Feel free to write with any question, problem, etc.
- 3 Android small assignment (10%)
- 3 Web small assignment (10%)
- Large assignment (Android) (20%)
- Midterm test (20%)
- Exam (40%)
Signature: Each small assignments, large assigment, midterm test over 40%.
Offered mark 5 (no exam required): Each small assignments, large assignment, midterm test over 85%.
Grade: Valid signature + exam over 40%
Calculated with 10-10-20-20-40 weights above.
- 0-39% (1)
- 40-54% (2)
- 55-69% (3)
- 70-84% (4)
- 85-100% (5)
- Written test
- Deadline: TBD
- Deadline: TBD
- Deadline: TBD
- Large assignment
- A preliminary specification will be needed (functions, screen design)
- Deadline: TBD
- Requirements: TBD
- Deadline: TBD
- A preliminary specification will be needed (functions, screen design)
Submission info: available in the specifications.
- HelloWorld
- TicTacToe (check commits for some incremental solutions)
- 11 September:
- Requirements, course info.
- iOS vs. Android comparison, pros, cons.
- Platform structure, Android development tools.
- Android Studio project structure.
- HelloWorld demo, emulator tools.
- Manifest, build.gradle, apk build.
- 12 September: No lesson.
- 18 September:
- Android application components (Activity, Service, Content Provider, Broadcast Receiver).
- Activity lifecycle (Created, Started, Resumed, Stopped, Destroyed + methods), call hierarchy, examples.
- Android backstack, examples, activity switch, multitasking, backstack manipulation examples.
- TicTacToe demo, custom view, R file, references, Model-View-Controller architecture, etc.
- 19 September:
- 25 September: No lesson.
- 26 September: No lesson.
- 2 October:
- 3 October:
- 9 October:
- 10 October:
- 16 October:
- 17 October:
- 23 October: No lesson.
- 24 October: (No lesson.)