YasminKaram's Stars
pose detaction using flutter and tflite plugin
DietVision is a mobile app that provides an estimate of the nutritional content of a meal from images.
Uses MediaPipe and OpenCV to connect to computer/mobile camera; tracks how many jumping jacks and bicep curls you do, while tracking the angling/tempo of your movements
:dancer: Real-time single person pose estimation for Android and iOS.
An AI-Driven fitness mobile application that provides real-time feedback. Works on the Meidapipe Pose Estimation Model and Tensorflow Pose Classification Models. The main Functionality of the application is to provide correct real-time feedback to the user about the Correct Posture for more than 7 exercises and Yoga Poses and also keep a Repetition count.
This is an unbeatable TicTacToe bot that uses a minimax tree with alpha-beta pruning and a simple tkinter GUI (python)
The Tic Tac Toe game starts with a GUI board. First, the player has to click on any box to start the game. It contains the Minimax algorithm; which is a decision rule used for a two-player game. A simple 2D GUI is provided for easy gameplay. The gameplay design is so simple that user won’t find it difficult to use and understand.
This code demonstrates the use of Alpha Beta Pruning for Game playing. Since, Tic Tac Toe has a depth of 9 , I use a heuristic function that evaluates the Board State after searching through a depth of 3. The heuristic function calculates the expected score of winning for the PC given the board state.