
Code accompanying the paper "Heuristic Methods for Gamma-Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Bilevel Problems" (with Ivana Ljubic and Martin Schmidt)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The repository contains the code accompanying the paper

Heuristic Methods for Mixed-Integer, Linear, and Gamma-Robust Bilevel Problems

by Yasmine Beck, Ivana Ljubic, and Martin Schmidt (2024) (to appear).


The methods are implemented in Python 3.7.11 and Gurobi 11.0.0 is used to solve all arising optimization problems. Further, the following Python packages and modules are required:

  • argparse
  • json
  • logging
  • numpy
  • os
  • subprocess
  • time


Min-Max Problems


python3 min_max_heuristic.py --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

to build a Gamma-robust knapsack interdiction problem and solve it heuristically by solving a linear number of knapsack interdiction problems of the nominal type.

Necessary arguments:

The file containing the nominal instance data.

Level of conservatism (in percent) must be between 0 and 1.

The file to write the output to.

and either

The deviations for the objective function coefficients, e.g., 1 2 1 for a problem of size 3.


Uncertainty value (in percent) must be between 0 and 1.

A detailed description of the instance data format and the uncertainty parameterization can be found below.

Optional arguments:

The solver to use for the solution of the problems of the nominal type. Default is the combinatorial approach (bkp) by Fukasawa and Weninger (2023) (details can be found at https://github.com/nwoeanhinnogaehr/bkpsolver). To use the branch-and-cut approach based on Fischetti et al. (2019), specify ic.

Use the modified variant of the heuristic in which all bilevel sub-problems are solved first (True) or use the variant that alternates between solving bilevel and single-level problems (False). Default is False.

General Bilevel Problems


python3 general_heuristic.py --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

to build a generalized Gamma-robust knapsack interdiction problem and solve it heuristically by solving a linear number of generalized knapsack interdiction problems of the nominal type.

Necessary arguments:

Same as for the min-max setting, see above.

Optional arguments:

Include a refinement step (True) to account for an optimistic follower or not (False). Default is True.

Instance Format

Nominal instance data must be given in form of a dictionary. For example, the nominal instance considered in Example 1 of Caprara et al. (2016) would be given in a simple text file containing:

"size": 3,
"profits": [4, 3, 3],
"leader weights": [2, 1, 1],
"follower weights": [4, 3, 2],
"leader budget": 2,
"follower budget": 4

The deterministic instances that are used in the computational study of the paper are included in the nominal-instance-data directory.

To account for uncertain objective function coefficients, the following specifications may be used:

A value between 0 and 1 is required, which specifies the percentage that the parameter Gamma takes of the instance size. In the case of a fractional value for Gamma, the closest integer is considered.

The percentage for the deviations in the objective function coefficients (all coefficients are equally perturbed). The value must be between 0 and 1.

Absolute values for the deviations in the objective function coefficients.

Either uncertainty or deviations must be specified.


As discussed in the paper, the main result by Bertsimas and Sim (2003) cannot be carried over to the bilevel setting. For the case of general mixed-integer, linear, and Gamma-robust bilevel problems, it may even be the case that none of the solutions to the deterministic bilevel sub-problems solved in Line 3 of Algorithm 3 in the paper is feasible for the Gamma-robust bilevel problem. We observe this behavior for the nominal instance of size n = 40 given in counterexample.txt with the uncertainty parameterization given by uncertainty = 0.1 and conservatism = 0.5. The latter implies that Gamma takes a value of 20 and all lower-level objective function coefficients are equally perturbed by 10 percent of the nominal value. In the counterexample directory, we provide the numerical results for all deterministic bilevel sub-problems that need to be solved when applying the primal heuristic for Gamma-robust bilevel problems to this instance. For example, counterexample_20.json contains the numerical results for the bilevel sub-problem with sub-problem index 20. To verify that indeed none of the solutions to the deterministic bilevel sub-problems solved when applying the primal heuristic is Gamma-robust feasible, simply run

python3 check_counterexample.py.

Here, for each fixed leader's decision obtained from solving a bilevel sub-problem of the nominal type, all lower-level sub-problems are solved (cf. Lemma 1 of the paper) to determine whether the pair (x,y) that is output as a solution of the bilevel sub-problem is Gamma-robust feasible. Running the above script returns the message that there is a bilevel sub-problem for which the solution is Gamma-robust feasible or, otherwise, that no such bilevel sub-problem exists.


This script is used to verify that there may be instances for which none of the solutions to the general deterministic bilevel sub-problems is feasible for the overall Gamma-robust bilevel problem using a specific example; see Section 4 in the paper.

Directory containing the nominal instance data of the counterexample as well as the numerical results for the general deterministic bilevel sub-problems solved using our primal heuristic. The data is used to verify that there may be instances for which none of the solutions to the sub-problems is feasible for the overall Gamma-robust bilevel problem; see Section 4 in the paper.

Solve a bilevel knapsack interdiction problem using the combinatorial approach (bkpsolver) by Fukasawa and Weninger (2023). To install bkpsolver, follow the instructions at https://github.com/nwoeanhinnogaehr/bkpsolver.

Solves an extended formulation of the generalized Gamma-robust bilevel knapsack interdiction problem using a branch-and-cut approach. The latter exploits the ideas of Beck et al. (2023) and Fischetti et al. (2019).

Solves a generalized knapsack interdiction problem of the nominal type using a branch-and-cut approach that exploits the ideas of Fischetti et al. (2019).

Primal heuristic for general mixed-integer, linear, and Gamma-robust bilevel problems on the example of generalized bilevel knapsack interdiction problems. The method exploits the solution of a linear number of bilevel problems of the nominal type.

Contains the following functions that are used in the presented branch-and-cut approaches for bilevel problems of the nominal type (see also the paper by Fischetti et al. (2019) for further details):

  • get_dominance
    Determines the set of items that satisfy certain dominance properties such that additional constraints on the leader's decision can be added.

  • lifted_cut_separation
    Determines the set of items that satisfy the requirements for lifting interdiction cuts.

  • make_maximal
    Completes a feasible decision to a maximal packing.

  • solve_lower_level
    Solves a parameterized lower-level problem of the nominal type.

  • solve_refinement_problem
    Solves a parameterized refinement problem to account for an optimistic follower.

Takes a nominal (generalized) bilevel knapsack interdiction instance and returns a robustified instance based on the uncertainty parameterization given by conservatism and uncertainty or deviations.

Contains all 280 nominal instances that are used for the computational study of the paper.

Solves a knapsack interdiction problem of the nominal type using a branch-and-cut approach based on Fischetti et al. (2019). In the paper, several enhancement techniques are discussed. Here, lifted interdiction cuts, maximal packings of the follower, and dominance inequalities are incorporated.

Primal heuristics for mixed-integer, linear, and Gamma-robust min-max problems on the example of bilevel knapsack interdiction problems. The method exploits the solution of a linear number of interdiction problems of the nominal type. For the solution of the deterministic problems, two options are available: a branch-and-cut approach based on Fischetti et al. (2019) or the combinatorial approach by Fukasawa and Weninger (2023). In addition, two variants of the heuristic are implemented: one that alternates between solving bilevel and single-level problems and one that solves all bilevel sub-problems first and, afterward, performs a correction step by solving single-level problems.

Class containing all necessary functions (compute upper bound, check ex-post conditions) to prove optimality of heuristically obtained solutions to Gamma-robust min-max problems.