Data scientist, front-end developer. Interested in Deep learning, computer vision and quantum machine learning.
Yasmixe's Followers
- meliksahyorulmazlarRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- alirezajavadigit
- Alimz-z
- idimetrix@elevanceit
- abdoubsa
- Yanis-Ghaffar
- samarjitsahooIndia, Asia
- mustafacagriİstanbul / ✈️ 🌎
- Hanaa-22USTHB
- hocinemahniENSTA Bretagne / Lab-STICC
- khannurienLab-STICC
- otaviossousaBrazil
- Shehab-Hegabeygpt
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- tr4m0ryp
- khaldimohamedkhaled
- bachiromaniAlgeria
- george0stEurope, Czech Republic, Prague
- sarabentafatESTIN
- decoderwhoami
- cumsoftcumsoft
- sh0z3nNice , France
- abdellahabd
- bry1niAlgiers, Algeria.
- adelazzi
- grosvenor01Algeria
- Souu-m
- Puing0USTHB
- prettyangelluniversity of science and technology Houari Boumedien
- hiba-rai
- aymendnESTIN
- 1FarZ1Algeries,Algeria
- Aziz-AXGBaghdad, Iraq
- Karen-CarvalhoFortaleza-Ce
- JohnEsleyerKoronadal City, South Cotabato, Philippines