- 1
Is there any sample data?
#18 opened by Qinzixin - 3
- 3
Dataset Availability
#17 opened by erik-buchholz - 0
Dataset Format
#14 opened by goelnaman66 - 0
The dataset format
#9 opened by asd52303 - 2
different lengths of trajectory data
#8 opened by dixinyinli2 - 0
where is attrs.pkl and trajs.pkl
#7 opened by zhixiangbaipiao - 2
How to implement DiffTraj-wo/Con ?
#11 opened by erik-buchholz - 2
Reproducing the conditional generation
#15 opened by TaehoonK - 5
Question about evaluation
#13 opened by chwang0721 - 1
- 2
- 6
Computation of conditional attributes
#10 opened by erik-buchholz - 1
parameter setting
#5 opened by dynamic721 - 1
#3 opened by wen-ye-xwz - 4
- 1
Evaluation Code
#2 opened by wen-ye-xwz - 5
#1 opened by HeYuwei9