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In this app i used php as backend. mysql database. MVVM Desing pattern. Provider State Management. Shared preferences to save information.
php file:
create_cart.php :
login.php : User login to the application.
my_orders.php : View user order.
register.php : Create a new user account.
show_products.php : View products.
I suggest creating another php file called Invoice.php
Database Tables: I created three tables in the database : users: Contains user information such as phone number, password and registration date. products : Contains all the products that are displayed inside the application. orders: Contains order information such as order id,order Date,order status,product information such as (name,quantity, price). I suggest creating another table called Invoice.
I used these packages: http. provider. fluttertoast. shared_preferences.
Suggestions for improving the app
Adding and deleting quantity in cart Screen Combine orders into one invoice This task is for the backend developer (Creates a table called Invoice) When the user sends an order, the data for the order is stored in the invoice table by the order_id and Send Api to receive invoice data in My Orders screen. Create these screens: Favert Screen. Track Orders Screen. Details screen. Categories Screen. Feedback Screen. Show Alert Dialoge after added orders. Add package connection_status_bar or any other similar package. Another app as a control panel.