Weather Application

Author: Yasser Omar Jammeli

this flutter weather application is based on MVVM clean architecture.

To run this application you to type the following in the terminal:

flutter pub run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build 
flutter run --dart-define-from-file=api-keys.json

the 'flutter packages pub run build_runner build' command is to run build_runner and generate generated code such routers for navigation and injectable to inject classes (Dependency injection)

As for the run command it has the dart-define-from-file parameters which allows to add secret api key and get them from json file for more security

PS: I had to push api-keys to repository for code integrity reasons but it should be ignored via .gitignore to keep value hidden and secure

It is Composed of two parts:

  • Core
  • And modules


the Core part of the application contains generic classes, helpers and utils It is composed of:

  • Common models: generic application models such as error model and result model
  • constants: contains the application constants properties
  • enums: contains the application enumerations
  • exceptions: contains application custom exceptions classes
  • managers: contains application properties holders (singleton)
  • service: contains application base service which contains generic api methods
  • useCase: contains application generic useCase class
  • utils: contains application utils such as applicationSharedPrefrences, connectivity, dependency injection code, extensions, ui utils ...


The modules part is the application different modules for example for this application we have the weather information module

the module is composed of:

  • Data : which holds module data source (remote and local), models and repository implementation
  • Domain: which holds module repository interface, entities and useCases
  • Presentation: which holds module views, widgets and stateManger classes (bloc fot this example)