

AS A convenience provider I WANT to provide a app that allows anyone to order food quickly while having their location readily available with the click of a button SO THAT we can ensure they receive a meal of their choice expiditiously

GIVEN when i am ready to order food:
WHEN I load the page, I am presented with a place to order or view a menu
WHEN I click on order now
THEN I should be able to access the main menu and an option for my location should appear so that i dont need to use or fill out a form about my current location
WHEN I'm in the main menu
THEN I will be able to choose different food items from the menu
WHEN I choose something from the menu
THEN I should have an option to add different ingredients to my choice
WHEN my order is completed
THEN my information should be logged and ready to be delivered without any further steps
## Setup/Installation Requirements