
Simple version of the minishell tester

Primary LanguageShell


A simple Minishell tester

How To Use a Minishell_Tester :

1️⃣ Go to your Makefile and make sure to not insert any flags for readline only -lreadline :

2️⃣ Check if there's any rl_replace_line and make sure to comment it :

3️⃣ If you print any of thoses please comment them and that's it:

4️⃣ Put your path in here:

Install :

git clone https://github.com/Toufa7/Minishell_Tester.git
cd Minishell_Tester
chmod +x tester.sh
./tester.sh -options

Synopsis :

./Tester [-h|E|p|x|e]

The following options are available:

  • -h Help
  • -E Echo
  • -p Pipes
  • -x Exit
  • -e Export

A quick demonstration of how it works

Thanks ✨

Thanks goes to these people :

feel free to use it and modify it 🤝

