
This repository is not active. Now I continue to develop private repository.

Primary LanguageSwift


This repository is sample application for using Vision Framework.


  • iOS 11+
  • Xcode 9.4.1 (8+)
  • Can't run on simulator, need to use iPhone.
  • Use Apple's sample model Inception v3 CoreMLModel in projects directory.

Setup (Mac)

  1. Download source code
  2. Open terminal app (e.g. iTerm2) and change directory to /SearchByImage
  3. Execute 'pod install' (If you don't install CocoaPods, install from CocoaPods.org and first setup.(command 'pod setup')
  4. After execute 'pod install', 'SearchByImage.xcworkspace' file is created. Open this file in Xcode.

Sample Image