
A NxN linear system solver

Primary LanguageC++

Linear System Solver

A C++ linear system solver



Defines a class called Vector. Vector is exatly the same as std::vector, but with some Operator Overloads.

<< Operator

Allows Vector to be printed in std::cout

Vector<int> vector {1,2,3};
std::cout << vector << "\n";

will print


+ Operator

Adds two Vector

Vector<int> vector1 {1,2,3}, vector2 {4,5,6}, vectorSum;
vectorSum = vector1+vector2;
std::cout << vectorSum << "\n";

will print


- Operator

Subtracts two Vector

Vector<int> vector1 {1,2,3}, vector2 {4,5,6}, vectorSub;
vectorSub = vector1-vector2;
std::cout << vectorSub << "\n";

will print


* Operator

Multiplies a Vector and a scalar

Vector<int> vector1 {1,2,3}, vectorMultiplied;
int scalar = 5;
vectorMultiplied = vector1 * scalar;
std::cout << vectorMultiplied << "\n";

will print



Defines a class called LinearSystem. Its only method is solve(), that returns a Vector with the solutions of the system.

// creating the system
std::vector<Vector<double>> system = {{1,1,1,1}, {0,1,2,1}, {0,0,1,1}};
1x + 1y + 1z = 1
0x + 1y + 2z = 1
0x + 0y + 1z = 1

// solving the linear system
LinearSystem ls(system);
Vector<double> solution = ls.solve();

std::cout << solution << "\n";

will print



Main diagonal

The program will not work if the linear system contains 0 in any position of the "main diagonal". Maybe you'll need to change the order of the lines. {{0,1,2}, {1,3,7}} wont work, but {{1,3,7}, {0,1,2}} will.

Try writing the matrix in a paper without the last column if the solutions keep returning "nan", it will help you see where is the 0 in the main diagonal.

Wont work  \  Will work
0 1           1 3
1 3           0 1

Different size Vector operation

If you try to sum or subtract two Vector with different sizes, the final size will be the same as the First vector. Other columns wont be modified.

Vector<double> vector1 {1,2,3}, vector2 {10,20}, vector12, vector21;

vector12 = vector1 + vector2;
vector21 = vector2 + vector1;

std::cout << vector12 << " " << vector21 << "\n";

will print

{11,22,3} {11,22}