
This is the capstone project from udacity

Primary LanguageShell

Complete DevOps Pipeline - Capstone Udacity

This is the capstone project from udacity


1. Setup Infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation which includes:
  • Networking Setup

    • VPC
    • Public and Private Subnets
    • InternetGateway
    • NAT Gateway
    • Route Tables
  • Compute Setup

    • Security Groups
    • EC2 Controller Node
  • EKS

    • EKS Cluster
2. Configured controller node using Ansible:
  • Installed packages
    • Python
    • AWS-CLI v2
    • Jenkins
    • kubectl
    • Docker

Steps to run this project:


  • AWS free tier account
  • aws-cli must be configured on your system for executing cloudformation scripts
  • Familiar with bash scripts


Local Setup
  1. Login to you AWS Console and go to EC2 section in us-east-1 region
  2. Go to KeyPair section and create a new KeyPair with the name udacity-project and then you'll have udacity-project.pem file on your local at destination ~/Downloads/udacity-project.pem. Make sure it is on this path only.
  3. Run aws configure and add your access key and secret key and use region us-east-1
Setting Up Infra
  1. Now run bash create-infra.sh. Now head to cloudFormation service in AWS Console and you will see a new stack with name udacity-capstone is creating.
  2. After the stack has been created, in the output section, you will get the Public IP of the controller instance.
  3. Replace this IP in roles/inventory.ini as ubuntu@<public-ip>
  4. This will turn up the following components
  • VPC
  • Public and Private Subnet in 2 different AZs
  • Internet Gateway
  • Nat Gateway
  • RouteTable
  • ControllerNode
  • EKS Cluster
Turn Up EKS
  1. On AWS Console, Go to EKS section and create NodeGroup. Attach the required IAM Role to the NodeGroup and test them using the command kubetl get nodes
Setup Jenkins
  1. Now run bash setup-controller.sh <public-ip>. This will configure the controller node by executing ansible role over the controller node and will return the Jenkins IP and its InitialAdminPassword
  2. Open Jenkins and configure it. After configuring, you need to add plugins related to BlueOcean, Docker and Pipeline: AWS Steps.
  3. After adding the plugins, go to credentials section and add Docker Credentials with the name dockerhub-credentials.
  4. Now head to BlueOcean and create your first project pipeline by configuring this repository.
Run the pipeline
  1. Run the pipeline and you will see that the pipeline will perform the following
  • Check Linting of the HTML
  • Build the docker image from the dockerfile
  • Push the docker image to Dockerhub
  • Deploy the image on EKS using deployment-rolling-update.yaml
  1. Test Rolling update by changing the HTML file with some new content and trigger the jenkins build again.
  2. You will see that the pods will go down 1 by 1 and new pods will start replacing them.