AR Game: AR Road Racer

Game Screenshot


Welcome to AR Road Racer – an exciting augmented reality (AR) game built with Unity and ARCore. Immerse yourself in a thrilling experience as you navigate a virtual car on a road that seamlessly blends with your real-world environment.


  • Real-World Interaction: Utilize ARCore to scan the environment for horizontal planes and create a virtual road on these surfaces.
  • Immersive Gameplay: Spawn a car on the road by tapping the screen and control its movement using the reticle displayed on your device.
  • Dynamic Controls: The reticle responds to your device's movement, providing an intuitive and interactive control experience.
  • Package Collection: Drive the car and collect packages that spawn on the virtual road for points and rewards.

Getting Started


  • Unity Hub or Unity 2020 LTS installed.
  • ARCore-supported device connected via USB.
  • Google Play Services for AR installed on the device.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone